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March 26, 2021

Drip Irrigation System

cost effective drip irrigation system from Niagara

What is Drip Irrigation System

Drip irrigation is a system that delivers small doses of water directly to plant roots using tubing with tiny holes along its length. The basic drip irrigation systems are used for saving time and water and can also be used for plants that would not survive in a garden bed or field where optimal watering methods are used. Drip lines are usually laid out on beds like furrows in a field and then covered with mulch. Drip irrigation is self-regulating, so you don't have to worry about over-watering or underwatering. Drip systems can be used for any kind of plant, including trees; use low-pressure emitters so the water flushes out salts that build up in heavy soils.

Drip irrigation system types.

The drip irrigation system is the easiest and most cost-effective way of watering plants or crops. Drip irrigation systems use less water than other types of irrigation methods because only the soil directly around each plant is given a supply of water. Drip irrigation poses no risk to groundwater, streams, or lakes. Drip Irrigation Systems are used for:

  • Drip Irrigation System Plants/Crop
  • Drip Irrigation System Poultry Fowls /Chickens
  • Drip Irrigation System Agriculture Farm Garden Planting Vegetables/Fruits

Whether you're growing vegetables in your home garden or running a commercial farm operation, drip irrigation systems can save you time and money by reducing the amount of water needed to successfully grow plants. Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to the roots of plants, so they don't waste water by spraying a fine mist that evaporates before it can reach plant roots. Drip irrigation systems are also more accurate than other forms of watering because they only provide water when the soil actually needs it. Drip Irrigation Systems use less energy and resources during production as well, since drip irrigation delivers all their nutrients in one close stream which doesn't allow for runoff into local streams and rivers like surface sprinklers do.

The components of an automated drip irrigation system.

Setting up an agriculture drip irrigation framework is rarely a "one size fits all" project. A considerable rundown of potential segments makes up dribble water system frameworks. Likewise, there are many sorts of dribble frameworks. Contingent upon your motivation for utilizing this water-saving strategy for the water system, you will need to utilize various parts. I will order the different kinds of segments as indicated by how they are utilized.

Mainline Tubing

On the off chance that you have seen a trickle framework, the primary thing you most likely saw was the mainline tubing. This adaptable, low-thickness polyethylene tubing is the establishment of a trickle framework. The most widely recognized size of mainline tubing is 1/2-inch. Yet, in situations where the watering prerequisites (and water supply) for what you are developing require a bigger size, 3/4-inch and greater mainline tubing are accessible.

Whatever the size, this tubing can be run many feet from the fixture to the most distant scopes of your yard. You can spread it out in an orderly fashion, along a fence, in a blooming bed, or around trees and shrubberies. You can punch producers or sprayers into this solid yet flexible tubing on a case-by-case basis.

Simple Loc Fittings

Simple Loc connectors offer a simple method to have the greatest plan opportunity for your framework. You will track down every one of the styles you need to control and direct the stream to where you need it. The simplicity of utilizing these fittings and their dependability are their principal benefits. These fittings are accessible in excess of 20 styles. You can pick what best suits your necessities and taste, obviously. Be that as it may, the standard ones utilized in many frameworks are the Female Swivel Hose Start, the "T" and the Coupler. Additionally, extremely mainstream are the 90-Degree Elbow, the Full Port Inline Valve, and the Male Hose End with Cap.

Dribble Tape

Water Traxx Drip Tape is ideally suited for column crops and raised beds. On the off chance that you pass through California's Central Valley, you will see business column crops are essentially inundated by trickle tape.

Ordinarily keeps going as long as seven years whenever covered; it should last two to five years over the ground, where the sun and components will cause significant damage

1/2" Emitter Tubing

This 1/2-inch tubing has an industrial facility introduced, pressure-remunerating producers inside the tubing each nine, 12, 18, 24, or 36 inches. It can water equally over significant distances, here and there slopes or around trees. Producer tubing incredibly decreases establishment time for your framework. This kind of tubing is ideal for natural product trees, adornments, bushes, and enormous cannabis plants. It endures quite a while and is wonderful in a scene circumstance or for plantings along long fence lines. The best pressing factor range for this item is 10 to 50 psi.

Soaker Dripline

Ideal for little and medium-size garden beds or compartments, this kind of dripline is made in the U.S. for reliable quality. The 1/4-inch width tubing has producers manufacturing plant introduced each six, nine, or 12 inches. This miniature tubing is adaptable and simple to utilize. It conveys water equitably at pressure up to 30 psi and down to two psi. We use it here at our DripWorks show gardens for fancy perpetual blossoms, vegetables, and bushes.


Trickle producers are the most popular and most utilized part of a dribble framework. A heap number of types and brands of producers is accessible. To simplify your choice, producers can be isolated into two classes:

1: Non-pressure remunerating producers. With this sort of producer, the higher the water pressure coming from your fixture or valve, the higher the stream will be emerging from every producer.

2: Pressure-remunerating producers. These are ideal for accomplishing even water appropriation when your dribble water system framework runs significant distances. They are a decent decision when you are planting in long columns or when you are managing a lopsided or sloping landscape.


At the point when a bigger measure of water is fundamental for quickly developing, parched plants or a bigger bloom nursery or ground cover, sprayers will emanate a lot higher measure of water over a bigger region than producers. Sprayers are a characteristic decision for yards and other comparative applications. There are flexible sprayers, directional sprayers, non-customizable sprayers, and movable round sprayers, and pressing factor repaying sprayers.


Screen channels eliminate dregs and garbage that can obstruct a trickle framework. Numerous terrace grounds-keepers normally utilize home nursery channels to guarantee the producers or sprayers don't get obstructed. For additional requesting undertakings, bigger channels with tempered steel screens are accessible. These are the best-designed channels. They are worked to withstand consistent high pressing factors. In case you are getting your water from a live waterway like a stream, stream, or lake with green growth or other natural matter, a simple to-clean circle channel is the best approach.


There are a few sorts of clocks that will guarantee your plants, yields, and blossoms get the normal watering they need when they need it. You can "set and neglect" a programmed clock to ensure your plants will be watered when and where you need it. You will not need to be there, so you can stay in bed, get things done, or even go on an excursion.

Battery Timers

Easy to program and introduce where you need them, these clocks normally utilize one nine-volt or two AA batteries that will last a whole season.

Distant Controlled Bluetooth Timers

These clocks permit you to work and program your clock from a distant area. Effectively set up and work one of these cutting-edge clocks from your telephone or any Bluetooth-empowered gadget.

Multi-Station Battery Timers

With the capacity to program up to 12 stations, you can utilize these business-grade clocks for numerous spaces that are excessively distant for an AC clock. This kind of clock has a strong, waterproof lodging that will confront the climate.

Compost or fertilizer Injectors

This classification of parts conveys significant supplements to your plants while the water system framework is running. You can set up these injectors inline so when the clock begins the water system cycle, an exact measure of manure will be conveyed into the fundamental water system line. This kind of framework treats your nursery with the supplements the plants need to develop further. Treating this way will take the weight off you since it for all intents and purposes runs itself. It will likewise make your nursery jealousy of everybody. Be ready for loads of remarks and praises and possibly a couple of inquiries as well.

How much does a drip irrigation system cost?

Every drip irrigation automation process seems like costs are very high, and also it creates a question that, drip irrigation system price?

It all depends on how large of an area you're trying to irrigate. The drip line tubing should lay flat against the soil surface and drain freely without disturbing other plants. Once you have your line installed you can easily adjust the length Drip tape will work great for connecting two Drip lines Drip line D-shaped holes are large enough to allow water to filter through Drip emitters should be spaced every 12-15 inches from the center of each emitter. Drip systems should not be installed under hard surfaces like concrete, stone, or metal walkways and need to slope away from buildings for proper drainage Drip tubes are harder to store because they tend to kink Irrigation costs less than watering plants with a hose; and drip irrigation system is cost-efficient and Niagara solution is one of the low pricing drip irrigation service provider based at Coimbatore serving project on the drip irrigation system in Indian cities such as Chennai, Jarkhand, Mumbai, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Trivandrum.

Drip irrigation system projects for the garden?

The automatic drip irrigation system for home gardening installation is simple. Staying aware of watering your nursery can be a test but it is possible in a simple drip irrigation method. Get-aways, occupied timetables, and changing climate conditions would all be able to leave blossoms, veggies, and bushes parched. However, introduce a standout amongst other trickle water system frameworks, which are sold in units containing all you need, and you'll tackle this normal issue. A dribble water system is an arrangement of hoses, spouts, sprinklers, and cylinders that convey the appropriate measure of water to each plant, which assists you with staying away from both under-and overwatering. The best dribble water system frameworks, when set to a clock, water consequently, and they're not difficult to introduce and keep up with. You'll even discover dribble water system frameworks intended for various kinds of nurseries. So continue to peruse to figure out how these effortless watering frameworks work and see our suggestions for a portion of the first-class frameworks:

Sorts of Nozzles in Drip Irrigation Systems

Dribble water system frameworks require a few diverse producer spouts. Contingent upon your nursery's plan and needs, a portion of these spouts will be more qualified than others. Before you endeavor to design out your water system framework, acclimate yourself with the accompanying sorts of producer spouts, each with qualities and shortcomings worth considering.

Miniature shower Sprinklers

Miniature splash sprinklers are useful gadgets that can take advantage of a low-pressure dribble water system framework. They introduce close by taller plants or are utilized to hit a couple of plants with more prominent water needs while letting less-destitute plants be. They're planned with a further developed shower range over other producer types with a similar pressing factor. Develop miniature shower sprinklers from four pieces as follows:

  • Run a length of 1/4-inch tubing to the sprinkler's ideal area.
  • Connect the tubing to a base with a stake crashed into the ground.
  • Utilize a piece of solid tubing to make a riser and append it to the base.
  • Screw a miniature shower spout onto the finish of the riser.

The riser permits the head to remain above taller plants and makes coordinating the shower simpler. Miniature shower sprinkler heads regularly have inherent flexible valves to control the splash.

Point-source Emitters

Regularly preferred via scene nursery workers and extraordinary for plants that don't do well with water on their leaves (like tomatoes and eggplants), point-source producers are non-flexible, preset spouts that disseminate a set measure of water to a plant each hour. They're astounding for use with "satellite" plants in grower and hanging crates, just as touchy vegetables. Point-source producers can be introduced through a couple of various strategies:

  • Stopped straightforwardly into the principle hose.
  • Introduced under the plant with a length of tubing interfacing with the fundamental hose.
  • Connected to the primary hose with a length of tubing rushing to the plant.

However you introduce producers, they're normally present at ½, 1, or 2 GPH (gallons each hour). You need to utilize a producer's diagram to decide the right spout for your specific plants. An excessive amount of water could suffocate plants that like to be somewhat dry, while too little water will stunt a plant's latent capacity.

In-line Drip Emitters

For those with a more laid-back way to deal with the garden water system, in-line trickle producers are a quick and simple approach to disseminate H2O. These hoses are more modest in measurement than the principle hose however may come in different lengths. Producers are incorporated into tubing all through its length, permitting nursery workers to weave the hose in the middle of plants and give water without placing a lot of producers in the primary hose. This is a low-upkeep and breaks lessening water system technique.

In-line dribble producer hose watering rates contrast from point-source models, as they aren't controlled by GPH appraisals. For the most part talking, in-line hoses come in 1/4-inch and 1/2-inch widths, with separating set somewhere in the range of 6 and 12 inches. Check the producer's data to figure out what you need for your specific planting needs.

Bowl Bubblers

A possibly valuable expansion to your dribble water system framework, bowl bubblers are little, low-pressure sprinkler-style spouts marked into the ground and associated with the trickle framework's principle hose. The shower water is in a 360-degree design, hitting every one of the plants around them. They're amazingly useful in a bunch of roses and plants as they decrease the requirement for singular spouts.

These bubblers snare to the primary hose with a little length of tubing. They're easy to introduce and reposition, and pressing factor changes are not difficult to make whenever. The bubblers' heads screw in or out to choke the water stream.

What to Consider When Buying a Smart Drip Irrigation System

Presently that you're acquainted with the various sorts of frameworks and producers, you can zero in on making your nursery's optimal framework. The size and sort of nursery, alongside the kind of soil and different components, are important and getting ready for. Here are a few elements to remember when purchasing a trickle water system framework.

Nursery Size

The size of your nursery will decide your framework's arrangement and the unit that you need. For more modest nurseries, a solitary unit is regularly enough to introduce a powerful trickle water system framework. Bigger nurseries might require extra lengths of tubing and producers. You might even find that you're in an ideal situation with two separate frameworks that run on various occasions to various areas around your property.

Plant Types

Diverse plant species require various measures of water. Contingent upon what you're developing, you may need to get inventive with an arrangement of in-line and point-source producers. One of the extraordinary upsides of a dribble water system framework is the means by which adaptable they are. Whenever planned effectively, a solitary framework can water a wide assortment of plants.

Soil Type

There are six distinct kinds of soil—dirt, sandy, silty, peaty, pasty, and loamy—all with shifting supplement substance and waste attributes. Comprehend the kind of soil you have so you can pick the best trickle water system framework for your requirements. As a rule, garden soil is a pleasant combination of these dirt kinds and will in general offer a decent mix of supplements and water-holding capacities. In case you're watering raised or blossom beds loaded up with garden soil, you shouldn't have a lot of issues making a dribble water system framework work for you.

Stream Rate

Not really set in stone the plants and soil you have, you can sort out the plants' water needs and pick the right producers.

Indeed, even plants with low water needs can experience quickly depleting, quick-drying soils. For this situation, you'll need to build the size of point-source producers or use in-line tubing with nearer producer dispersing. Consider a 1 GPH producer or 9-inch dividing for these situations. You may even consider correcting the dirt with manure or peat greenery to expand supplements and moderate the waste.

Plants with high water needs in inadequately depleted soils can likewise endure if overwatered. In case this is the circumstance in your nursery, you might be in an ideal situation buying half-gallon producers or 12-inch separated in-line tubing to assist with holding your plants back from suffocating. You should work some sand into the dirt too to expand waste.

Pressing factor Compensation

The measure of pressing factor that courses through a dribble water system framework can change, contingent upon hose length and nursery bed height, among different variables. This can make producers stream uniquely in contrast to plan, with pretty much a water stream contingent upon pressure.

To battle this, the best dribble water system framework producers are pressure remunerating by the plan. They'll emanate a similar measure of water paying little mind to the pressing factor at their gulf (where they join to the principle hose). They give reliable watering conditions and guarantee that all plants along the framework stay watered.


You probably won't consider a channel significant for your dribble framework—until you get a stop up in your 1/4-inch tubing. Water frameworks frequently contain residue, soil, or in any event, scaling from metal lines, all of which can bring about impediments that cutoff water stream. An in-line screen channel shields your framework from these pressing factors obstructing particles. They introduce the hose spigot and catch deterrents before they can make it into the framework. In the event that you notice the water stream beginning to lessen all through your framework, it's almost certain that you need to eliminate the screen and wipe it out.

Self-Flushing Feature

Soil, little bugs, and different hindrances can advance into a trickle water system framework through the producers—and in-line screen channels can't forestall these gatecrashers. A few frameworks, in any case, accompany programmed flush valves that assist with decreasing the chance of obstruction. These valves introduce toward the finish of the framework and will naturally open when the pressing factor in the framework drops (like when the water stop). The remaining water depletes out of the framework through these open valves, getting some free from the silt that has gathered.

Implicit Check Valves

The water to your home could be compromised if the water pressure abruptly drops when your trickle framework is running. In such a case, the hose spigot can back-feed water from the trickle framework into the house, bringing about a polluted water framework that isn't protected to drink or use for washing.

To lessen this danger, introduce a check valve in your framework. These valves permit water to stream one way and shut off consequently when any backpressure happens, or the pressing factor in the framework behind it drops. In the event that your trickle water system framework doesn't accompany a check valve, buy one and introduce it at the hose spigot.

Programmed Timers

Not all frameworks accompany programmed clocks, but rather most frameworks will profit with one. These programmable valves turn on at a set time and run for a particular span. You can pick the specific measure of water your framework gets without actuating the framework physically. You'll have amazingly steady outcomes in your nursery, and you'll have the option to manage your water utilization impeccably. Additionally, you needn't recall.

Drip irrigation system for sugarcane

Drip irrigation is a type of uniform application method for irrigation water. Drip Irrigation System For Sugarcane eliminates much of the waste found in conventional overhead sprinkler systems, whereas little as 10% of an overhead sprinkler's applied water reaches the plants' roots.

Develop more stick

Normal yields with dribble water systems are up to half higher when contrasted with sprinkler frameworks or flood water systems, and up to 200% higher than downpour took care of ranches

Expand ratoon life

Ideal conveyance of both water and supplements diminishes plant pressure and altogether expands ratoon life, giving you a normal of 8 to 10 cuts

Increment sucrose content

Dribble water system can build sucrose content by up to 2% when contrasted with flood inundated or downpour took care of manors

Improve assets

Accomplish 100% land usage

Trickle inundates consistently, even despite odd shape fields or inclines, dissimilar to turns which leave "dead" corners

Produce more stick per m3 water

Dribble water system conveys water straightforwardly to the root zone, forestalling vanishing and overflow, so 100% of your water is utilized for delivering stick

Limit work costs

Since trickle water system frameworks can be worked distantly, they require less interest in labor when contrasted with convenient sprinkler frameworks or flood water system

Streamline manure application

Fertigation through subsurface trickle puts your manure precisely where it's required, at decisively the ideal opportunity, keeping away from misfortune to draining or over the top application

Why do bamboo needs drip irrigation?

Bamboo drip irrigation system is a Bamboo growing technology designed to supply water and nutrients in the soil where bamboo plant roots are growing. A drip irrigation system can be used for any type of plant, such as trees, grasses, shrubs, or any other plants that require watering. The drip irrigation system is a good method for water conservation and increases bamboo harvest

The bamboo drip irrigation system model was created due to the fact that when we try to water our Bamboo with normal methods using sprinklers or buckets, the soil gets washed away by rainwater, and no nutrients are left in the ground where Bamboo grows. Drip irrigation allows us to have the needed amount of water every time and keeps roots healthy as well. Drip Irrigation system supplies stock-free natural organic materials like compost, mulch, humus. The Drip Irrigation System contains adjustable valves, and drainage holes on top of the plastic planter allow excess water to flow out from inside which means there will be less chanceof rotting.

Drip Irrigation System helps to protect bamboo from pests like snails and slugs because they prefer a moist environment. Drip Irrigation System also protects the bamboo from drought or heavy rain conditions because roots are watered at the same time, in a regulated manner due to the Drip system design.

Drip irrigation is actually watering the plant with small amounts of water over a long period of time, rather than flooding it with lots of water for a short period of time. Drip Irrigation Systems were first used in greenhouses when it was discovered that plants grown under such systems could be watered less frequently but still produce superior growth yields. A typical drip irrigation system consists of:

  • A water tank;
  • Drip irrigation piping;
  • Drip emitters or sprayers;
  • Drip tape.

Drip Irrigation System will simplify your life, and is beneficial for the environment! Drip Irrigation in a bamboo garden allows us to water our plants slowly, so even if water is scarce, our Bamboos would not suffer that much until it becomes really dry. Drip Irrigation Systems also allow us to use fewer chemicals on Bamboos because they are watered evenly and slowly. Drip Irrigation Systems are more flexible than Watering by hand or auto-irrigation, giving us a great opportunity to save water.

Drip irrigation system for coconut trees

Coconut produces nuts throughout the year. Soil dampness is fundamental for the retention of supplements by roots. Dampness stress prompts hindered development, hanging of leaves, juvenile nut fall, and diminished yield. Mulching is a viable strategy for moderating soil dampness. Mulch the coconut bowls with green/dry leaves at the end of the upper east storm (October-November). Mulching additionally adds natural make a difference to the dirt and diminishes the dirt temperature. Try not to upset soil in the coconut garden during the late spring months. In level terrains, during stormy seasons abundance water might be saved in little channels uncovered in the ranch. In messy regions, land might be terraced and channels burrowed across. This will work with the most extreme permeation of water a lot of stockpiling. For dampness preservation, the lowermost 3-5 leaves might be cut and taken out. Give sufficient shade to the relocated seedlings for 1-2 years. To limit the warmth load on the stem, the use of lime arrangement on the storage compartment up to a stature of 2-3 m toward the beginning of the late spring season is suggested.

Water system and soil dampness protection

Coconut palm reacts to the summer water system. Creation of female blossoms and setting % increments impressively because of the water system. Since spadix commencement to maturing of nuts requires almost 42 months, the full advantage of the water system can be felt solely after 3 years. Covering the Coconut husk or coir dust is perhaps the best method of saving soil dampness.

Drip Irrigation for coconut trees: In the customary arrangement of water system continued in coconut gardens, for example, flood water system, bowl water system and so on water system effectiveness is simply 30 to 50 percent because of extensive wastage of water. What's more, the cost of inputs like work and energy in embracing these frameworks is high. Shortage of water and expanding cost of work and energy are impediments to embracing these customary water system frameworks. Under these conditions, the drip irrigation system is the most appropriate arrangement of the water system to coconut.

A portion of the significant benefits of drip irrigation system water system are:

  • It saves water
  • Upgrades plant development and yield
  • Saves energy and work, generally appropriate for soils having low water-holding limit and undulating territory
  • Decreases weed development and further develops proficiency of manures.

For coconut, for the most part, three to four drippers are given for every palm. For the trickle water system, open four pits of the size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm inverse to one another at a one-meter distance from the storage compartment. Spot 40 cm long PVC pipe (16 mm) in an inclining position in each pit and spot the drippers inside the cylinder and permit the water to trickle 30 cm beneath the dirt surface.

Fertigation: The application of half of the suggested portion of compost through dribble fertigation creates a yield identical to 100% of the suggested portion of manure applied through the traditional strategy. The composts are applied through a sidestep tank to the palms. Composts in particular 70g Urea, 60g DAP, and 170g Murate of potash are suggested for a single portion per palm (Like this 6 dosages are to be given to the palms which are to be applied from Dec-May at month to month stretches for Kerala condition). For phosphorus application business phosphoric corrosive can likewise be utilized.

Automatic Drip Irrigation system advantages

Drip irrigation has many advantages over other methods such as sprinkler irrigation:

  • Drip systems use much less water and release it more slowly than overhead sprinklers.
  • Drip systems have smaller, easily hidden components that deter vandalism or theft.
  • Drip systems allow you to precisely control the amount of water that each plant receives by using multiple emitters (or emitter zones per plant) with varying rates of flow.
  • Drip systems are very versatile because they can be used to irrigate everything from a single potted plant to a large orchard.
  • Drip irrigation system saves money
  • Drip efficiently uses available resources through improved irrigation control
  • Drip irrigation reduces runoff decreases evaporation conserves soil moisture.

Maintenance of drip irrigation system is vital if the best possible growing results are to be achieved. Drip irrigation system requires minimum maintenance, but its performance will decrease over time without proper care and cleaning of clogged emitters. Drip irrigation systems are an ideal water conservation system as it allows precise application of nutrients and water directly at the root zone. Drip irrigation provides a uniform water supply with less chance for crop stress or salt accumulation in the soil due to leaching from overhead sprinklers or runoff from flood or furrow irrigation. Drip irrigation is a cost-effective way of providing adequate moisture to the roots while allowing good air circulation around plant canopies, thus lowering disease incidence and improving overall yields.

The Phase Change Drip Irrigation

The topic goes on when talking about Irrigation automation, there are several forms of irrigation and that varies only in the way that supplies the water to the plants. The ultimate goal is to full fill the needs of the plants, every plant needs water neither too much nor too little. Every irrigation automation is supplementary to the rainfall. The proper crop yields can be improved by water and fertility management and reduced disease and weed pressure. The drip irrigation system is one of the forms of micro-irrigation system which highly helpful in saving water and nutrients through the slow drip process. The Drip irrigation system transports water and nutrients directly to the root zone at the right amount and time. Each dripper helps in transporting water and fertilizer to the entire field in a balanced way.

Importance of Drip Irrigation to the farmers?

All the irrigation system helps the farmer in one on the other way. The drip irrigation system is a widely used farmer-friendly system that helps them in many ways.

  • Moisture within the root zone can be maintained properly
  • Minimized loss of fertilizer and nutrients
  • Field leveling is not necessary and irregular shapes are easily accommodated.
  • Less soil erosion
  • Recycled non-potable water can be safely used.
  • Works under low pressure so it is energy efficient
  • The variant supplies can be regulated through valves and drippers.
  • Fertigation can easily be included to reduce the waste of fertilizer.
  • Higher consistent quality yields
  • The weather dependency is becoming low gives greater stability.

A good friend to all plants!

All creature on earth depends on plants for their survival, as plants depend on water and nutrients for their survival in a balanced way. Drip irrigation ensures the anticipation of good growing conditions and high yield. The reason why drip irrigation gives more productivity

  • Rich source of good water and nutrition in optimal level
  • Good soil aeration and minimal saturation
  • No fungal infection
  • No excessive fertilizer application

Limitation of drip irrigation

  • Improper maintenance leads to clogging
  • Requires careful consideration of the installation depth.
  • The buried system is preferable to surface drip irrigation
  • The sun can affect the tubes used for drip irrigation, shortening their lifespan.
  • The risks of degrading plastic affecting the soil content and food crops.


Is drip irrigation is suitable for all crops?

Any crop can be grown using drip irrigation. From field crops such as corn, soybean or sugarcane, to vegetables and tree crops. Either growing in soil or a soilless media. On a flat field or sloping terrain, drip irrigation fits all topographies. The only decision is choosing the right drip configuration based on your crop and field conditions.

How drip irrigation is efficient?

Drip irrigation is known to be the most efficient irrigation method with 95-100% water use efficiency. Comparatively, it is 80-85% efficient than sprinkler irrigation. Efficiency is related to the effectiveness of the system on crop performance and eventually on yield and profitability of the farmer.

Is drip irrigation expensive?

Farmers looking to invest in a drip irrigation system should calculate ROI versus alternative irrigation methods. Because drip irrigation delivers significant increases in crop yields while saving on inputs (water, fertilizer, energy, and labor), it can pay for itself in a relatively short period and give farmers more profit in their pocket.

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Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
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