Drip Irrigation automatic accessories are the devices, equipment, and components designed to be used in automatic irrigation systems.
They can make any automatic irrigation system easy to operate while providing flexibility, precision control, and convenience. DI automatic accessories are fully integrated with the controller. The installation process is simple and easy by using wire connectors on the kit's automatic accessory.
DI automatic accessories include automatic solenoid valves, compressor valve air change over timers, on delay timers, moisture sensors, magnetic level sensors, and float switches.

Automatic solenoid valves:
Automatic irrigation systems use automatic solenoid valves to turn the irrigation water flow on or off. DI automatic accessory kits can be installed with automatic solenoid valves to control all automatic lines from the controller.

Compressor valve air change over timer:
Automatic irrigation systems require a great deal of water pressure due to their drip emitters and sprinkler nozzles. Using DI automatic accessory kits with an automatic air release system on compressor valves can provide water flow as demanded by the irrigation system.

On delay timers:
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic on delay timer provide automatic emitters by turning them on or off at a certain time. It can be combined with an automatic solenoid valve to maximize water flow during the watering cycle and prevent overwatering.

Moisture sensors:
Automatic irrigation systems use automatic moisture sensors to monitor automatic emitters by checking their soil moisture level. DI automatic accessory kits are designed to be installed with automatic moisture sensors for automatic irrigation system

Magnetic level sensor:
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with the automatic magnetic level sensor can make system installation easier by eliminating digging trenches and placing tubing around the perimeter of an automatic irrigation system. The automatic magnetic level sensor can be used for automatic drip irrigation systems, automatic gated automatic piping, and automatic sprinkler nozzles.

Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic float switches are designed to automatically keep the emitters on or off when the water reservoir is above or below a certain level. The automatic float switch can also be combined with automatic solenoid valves or automatic compressor valve air change over a timer to restrict automatic emitters.

SRS Light Masters
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic SRS Light Masters can save battery life because the system only turns on when it needs watering. Automatic sensors are designed to automatically turn on light masters at night or during automatic watering cycles.

Automatic cyclic timer
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with an automatic cyclic timer can set automatic emitters to turn on and off at certain times of the day, week, month, or year even if the controller is turned off. The automatic cyclic timer can also be combined with automatic solenoid valves or automatic compressor valve air change over a timer to restrict automatic emitters.

Automatic AC-to-DC adapter
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic AC-to-DC adapter provides the power source of all automatic irrigation automatic accessory components such as automatic solenoid valves, flow control device, and others. The power rating of an automatic AC-to-DC adapter is usually 9V dc.

Automatic mixing valves
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic mixing valves can provide water from a maximum of four automatic solenoid valves each using a separate automatic line. Using an automatic mixing valve in the system is designed to reduce energy consumption and maximize water flow.

Automatic battery backup
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic battery backup provide automatic emitters with the power even if the electricity goes out. The automatic battery backup should be connected to automatic controllers or automatic cycle timers. It should also be connected to automatic solenoid valves, automatic flow control device, and automatic compressor valve air change over timer.

Line module battery backup
Automatic irrigation automatic accessory kits with automatic line modules battery backup are designed to automatically turn on and off automatic emitters and automatic solenoid valves when there is a power outage.
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